Essential Tools: Pandas#

Pandas is the Python Data Analysis Library.

Pandas is an extremely versatile tool for manipulating datasets.

It also produces high quality plots with matplotlib, and integrates nicely with other libraries that expect NumPy arrays.

Use of Pandas is a data science best practice.

The most important tool provided by Pandas is the data frame.

A data frame is a table in which each row and column is given a label.

Pandas DataFrames are documented at:

Get in the habit: whenever you load data, place it into a dataframe as your first step.

Getting started#

import pandas as pd
import as web
from pandas import Series, DataFrame

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from datetime import datetime


%matplotlib inline

Fetching, storing and retrieving your data#

For demonstration purposes, we’ll use a utility library that fetches data from standard online sources, such as Yahoo! Finance.

import yfinance as yf

yahoo_stocks = pd.DataFrame('YELP',start='2015-01-01',end='2015-12-31', progress = False))

Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
2015-01-02 55.459999 55.599998 54.240002 55.150002 55.150002 1664500
2015-01-05 54.540001 54.950001 52.330002 52.529999 52.529999 2023000
2015-01-06 52.549999 53.930000 50.750000 52.439999 52.439999 3762800
2015-01-07 53.320000 53.750000 51.759998 52.209999 52.209999 1548200
2015-01-08 52.590000 54.139999 51.759998 53.830002 53.830002 2015300

This is a typical example of a dataframe.

Notice how each row has a label and each column has a label.

A dataframe is an object that has many methods associated with it, to do all sorts of useful things.

Here is a simple method: .info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 251 entries, 2015-01-02 to 2015-12-30
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------     --------------  -----  
 0   Open       251 non-null    float64
 1   High       251 non-null    float64
 2   Low        251 non-null    float64
 3   Close      251 non-null    float64
 4   Adj Close  251 non-null    float64
 5   Volume     251 non-null    int64  
dtypes: float64(5), int64(1)
memory usage: 13.7 KB

Reading to/from a .csv file#

Continuing to explore methods, let’s write the dataframe out to a .csv file:

!head yahoo_data.csv
Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume

And of course we can likewise read a .csv file into a dataframe. This is probably the most common way you will get data into Pandas.

df = pd.read_csv('yahoo_data.csv')
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
0 2015-01-02 55.459999 55.599998 54.240002 55.150002 55.150002 1664500
1 2015-01-05 54.540001 54.950001 52.330002 52.529999 52.529999 2023000
2 2015-01-06 52.549999 53.930000 50.750000 52.439999 52.439999 3762800
3 2015-01-07 53.320000 53.750000 51.759998 52.209999 52.209999 1548200
4 2015-01-08 52.590000 54.139999 51.759998 53.830002 53.830002 2015300

Working with data columns#

In general, we’ll usually organize things so that rows in the dataframe are items and columns are features.

Index(['Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Adj Close', 'Volume'], dtype='object')

Pandas allows you to use standard python indexing to refer to columns (eg features) in your dataframe:

0      55.459999
1      54.540001
2      52.549999
3      53.320000
4      52.590000
246    27.950001
247    28.270000
248    28.120001
249    27.950001
250    28.580000
Name: Open, Length: 251, dtype: float64

Pandas also allows you to use a syntax like an object attribute to refer to a column.

But note that the column name cannot include a space in this case.

0      55.459999
1      54.540001
2      52.549999
3      53.320000
4      52.590000
246    27.950001
247    28.270000
248    28.120001
249    27.950001
250    28.580000
Name: Open, Length: 251, dtype: float64

You can select a list of columns:

Open Close
0 55.459999 55.150002
1 54.540001 52.529999
2 52.549999 52.439999
3 53.320000 52.209999
4 52.590000 53.830002

Putting things together – make sure this syntax is clear to you:

0    2015-01-02
1    2015-01-05
2    2015-01-06
3    2015-01-07
4    2015-01-08
5    2015-01-09
6    2015-01-12
7    2015-01-13
8    2015-01-14
9    2015-01-15
Name: Date, dtype: object
241    2015-12-16
242    2015-12-17
243    2015-12-18
244    2015-12-21
245    2015-12-22
246    2015-12-23
247    2015-12-24
248    2015-12-28
249    2015-12-29
250    2015-12-30
Name: Date, dtype: object

Changing column names is as simple as assigning to the .columns property.

Let’s adjust column names so that none of them include spaces:

new_column_names = [x.lower().replace(' ','_') for x in df.columns]
df.columns = new_column_names
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 251 entries, 0 to 250
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------     --------------  -----  
 0   date       251 non-null    object 
 1   open       251 non-null    float64
 2   high       251 non-null    float64
 3   low        251 non-null    float64
 4   close      251 non-null    float64
 5   adj_close  251 non-null    float64
 6   volume     251 non-null    int64  
dtypes: float64(5), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 13.9+ KB

(Be sure you understand the list comprehension used above – it’s a common and important way to process a list in python.)

Now all columns can be accessed using the dot notation:

0    55.150002
1    52.529999
2    52.439999
3    52.209999
4    53.830002
Name: adj_close, dtype: float64

A sampling of DataFrame methods.#

A dataframe object has many useful methods.

Familiarize yourself with dataframe methods – they are very useful.

These should be self-explanatory.

df[['high', 'low', 'open', 'close', 'volume', 'adj_close']].mean()
high         3.809084e+01
low          3.659777e+01
open         3.732426e+01
close        3.733303e+01
volume       3.501135e+06
adj_close    3.733303e+01
dtype: float64
df[['high', 'low', 'open', 'close', 'volume', 'adj_close']].std()
high         1.138931e+01
low          1.114006e+01
open         1.128846e+01
close        1.126194e+01
volume       4.152341e+06
adj_close    1.126194e+01
dtype: float64
df[['high', 'low', 'open', 'close', 'volume', 'adj_close']].median()
high         3.909000e+01
low          3.665000e+01
open         3.822000e+01
close        3.818000e+01
volume       2.356000e+06
adj_close    3.818000e+01
dtype: float64

Plotting methods#

Pandas has an extensive library of plotting functions, and they are very easy to use.

These are your “first look” functions.

(Later you will use specialized graphics packages for more sophisticated visualizations.)

plt.title('YELP Stock Price')
plt.xlabel('Adjusted Closing Price')

Bulk Operations#

Methods like sum() and std() work on entire columns.

We can run our own functions across all values in a column (or row) using apply().

As an example, let’s go back to this plot:

plt.title('YELP Stock Price')

It’s almost perfect. The only problem is the \(x\)-axis: it should show time.

To fix this, we need to make the dataframe index – that is, the row labels – into dates.

We have a problem however: the “dates” in our data are only strings. We need Pandas to understand that they are actually dates.
0    2015-01-02
1    2015-01-05
2    2015-01-06
3    2015-01-07
4    2015-01-08
Name: date, dtype: object

The values property of the column returns a list of values for the column. Inspecting the first value reveals that these are strings with a particular format.

first_date =[0]

To convert these strings to actual dates we’ll use the datetime standard python package:

datetime.strptime(first_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 2, 0, 0)

And to do this for each string in the date column we will use .apply():

new_df = df.copy() = d: datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d"))
0   2015-01-02
1   2015-01-05
2   2015-01-06
3   2015-01-07
4   2015-01-08
Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns]

Each row in a DataFrame is associated with an index, which is a label that uniquely identifies a row.

The row indices so far have been auto-generated by pandas, and are simply integers starting from 0.

Fixing this is as easy as assigning to the index property of the DataFrame.

new_df.index =
date open high low close adj_close volume
2015-01-02 2015-01-02 55.459999 55.599998 54.240002 55.150002 55.150002 1664500
2015-01-05 2015-01-05 54.540001 54.950001 52.330002 52.529999 52.529999 2023000
2015-01-06 2015-01-06 52.549999 53.930000 50.750000 52.439999 52.439999 3762800
2015-01-07 2015-01-07 53.320000 53.750000 51.759998 52.209999 52.209999 1548200
2015-01-08 2015-01-08 52.590000 54.139999 51.759998 53.830002 53.830002 2015300

Now that we have made an index based on a real date, we can drop the original date column.

new_df = new_df.drop(['date'],axis=1)
open high low close adj_close volume
2015-01-02 55.459999 55.599998 54.240002 55.150002 55.150002 1664500
2015-01-05 54.540001 54.950001 52.330002 52.529999 52.529999 2023000
2015-01-06 52.549999 53.930000 50.750000 52.439999 52.439999 3762800
2015-01-07 53.320000 53.750000 51.759998 52.209999 52.209999 1548200
2015-01-08 52.590000 54.139999 51.759998 53.830002 53.830002 2015300

Now we can see that Pandas handles these dates quite nicely:

plt.title('YELP Stock Price')

Accessing rows of the DataFrame#

So far we’ve seen how to access a column of the DataFrame. To access a row we use a different notation.

To access a row by its index value, use the .loc() method.

open         5.466000e+01
high         5.564000e+01
low          5.430000e+01
close        5.519000e+01
adj_close    5.519000e+01
volume       1.636400e+06
Name: 2015-01-23 00:00:00, dtype: float64

To access a row by its sequence number (ie, like an array index), use .iloc() (‘Integer Location’)

open         5.546000e+01
high         5.560000e+01
low          5.424000e+01
close        5.515000e+01
adj_close    5.515000e+01
volume       1.664500e+06
Name: 2015-01-02 00:00:00, dtype: float64

To iterate over the rows, use .iterrows()

num_positive_days = 0
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
    if row.close >
        num_positive_days += 1
print("The total number of positive-gain days is {}.".format(num_positive_days))
The total number of positive-gain days is 125.


It is easy to select interesting rows from the data.

All the operations below return a new DataFrame, which itself can be treated the same way as all DataFrames we have seen so far.

tmp_high = new_df.high > 55
2015-01-02     True
2015-01-05    False
2015-01-06    False
2015-01-07    False
2015-01-08    False
Name: high, dtype: bool

Summing a Boolean array is the same as counting the number of True values.


Now, let’s select only the rows of df1 that correspond to tmp_high

open high low close adj_close volume
2015-01-02 55.459999 55.599998 54.240002 55.150002 55.150002 1664500
2015-01-09 55.959999 56.990002 54.720001 56.070000 56.070000 6224200
2015-01-12 56.000000 56.060001 53.430000 54.020000 54.020000 2407700
2015-01-22 53.869999 55.279999 53.119999 54.799999 54.799999 2295400
2015-01-23 54.660000 55.639999 54.299999 55.189999 55.189999 1636400
2015-01-26 55.119999 55.790001 54.830002 55.410000 55.410000 1450300
2015-01-27 56.060001 56.160000 54.570000 55.630001 55.630001 2410400
2015-01-28 56.150002 56.150002 52.919998 53.000000 53.000000 2013100
2015-02-03 53.830002 55.930000 53.410000 55.779999 55.779999 2885400
2015-02-04 55.529999 57.070000 55.250000 56.740002 56.740002 2498600
2015-02-05 57.599998 57.700001 56.080002 57.470001 57.470001 4657300

Putting it all together, we have the following commonly-used patterns:

positive_days = new_df[new_df.close >]
open high low close adj_close volume
2015-01-08 52.590000 54.139999 51.759998 53.830002 53.830002 2015300
2015-01-09 55.959999 56.990002 54.720001 56.070000 56.070000 6224200
2015-01-16 50.180000 51.490002 50.029999 51.389999 51.389999 2183300
2015-01-21 51.200001 53.500000 51.200001 53.410000 53.410000 3248100
2015-01-22 53.869999 55.279999 53.119999 54.799999 54.799999 2295400
very_positive_days = new_df[(new_df.close - > 4]
open high low close adj_close volume
2015-05-07 38.220001 48.73 38.220001 47.009998 47.009998 33831600

Creating new columns#

To create a new column, simply assign values to it. Think of the columns as a dictionary:

new_df['profit'] = ( < new_df.close)
open high low close adj_close volume profit
2015-01-02 55.459999 55.599998 54.240002 55.150002 55.150002 1664500 False
2015-01-05 54.540001 54.950001 52.330002 52.529999 52.529999 2023000 False
2015-01-06 52.549999 53.930000 50.750000 52.439999 52.439999 3762800 False
2015-01-07 53.320000 53.750000 51.759998 52.209999 52.209999 1548200 False
2015-01-08 52.590000 54.139999 51.759998 53.830002 53.830002 2015300 True

Let’s give each row a gain value as a categorical variable:

for idx, row in new_df.iterrows():
    if > row.close:
    elif (row.close - < 1:
    elif (row.close - < 6:
open high low close adj_close volume profit gain
2015-01-02 55.459999 55.599998 54.240002 55.150002 55.150002 1664500 False negative
2015-01-05 54.540001 54.950001 52.330002 52.529999 52.529999 2023000 False negative
2015-01-06 52.549999 53.930000 50.750000 52.439999 52.439999 3762800 False negative
2015-01-07 53.320000 53.750000 51.759998 52.209999 52.209999 1548200 False negative
2015-01-08 52.590000 54.139999 51.759998 53.830002 53.830002 2015300 True medium_gain

Here is another, more “functional”, way to accomplish the same thing.

Define a function that classifies rows, and apply it to each row.

def namerow(row):
    if > row.close:
        return 'negative'
    elif (row.close - < 1:
        return 'small_gain'
    elif (row.close - < 6:
        return 'medium_gain'
        return 'large_gain'

new_df['test_column'] = new_df.apply(namerow, axis = 1)
open high low close adj_close volume profit gain test_column
2015-01-02 55.459999 55.599998 54.240002 55.150002 55.150002 1664500 False negative negative
2015-01-05 54.540001 54.950001 52.330002 52.529999 52.529999 2023000 False negative negative
2015-01-06 52.549999 53.930000 50.750000 52.439999 52.439999 3762800 False negative negative
2015-01-07 53.320000 53.750000 51.759998 52.209999 52.209999 1548200 False negative negative
2015-01-08 52.590000 54.139999 51.759998 53.830002 53.830002 2015300 True medium_gain medium_gain

OK, point made, let’s get rid of that extraneous test_column:

new_df.drop('test_column', axis = 1)
open high low close adj_close volume profit gain
2015-01-02 55.459999 55.599998 54.240002 55.150002 55.150002 1664500 False negative
2015-01-05 54.540001 54.950001 52.330002 52.529999 52.529999 2023000 False negative
2015-01-06 52.549999 53.930000 50.750000 52.439999 52.439999 3762800 False negative
2015-01-07 53.320000 53.750000 51.759998 52.209999 52.209999 1548200 False negative
2015-01-08 52.590000 54.139999 51.759998 53.830002 53.830002 2015300 True medium_gain
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2015-12-23 27.950001 28.420000 27.440001 28.150000 28.150000 1001000 True small_gain
2015-12-24 28.270000 28.590000 27.900000 28.400000 28.400000 587400 True small_gain
2015-12-28 28.120001 28.379999 27.770000 27.879999 27.879999 1004500 False negative
2015-12-29 27.950001 28.540001 27.740000 28.480000 28.480000 1103900 True small_gain
2015-12-30 28.580000 28.780001 28.170000 28.250000 28.250000 1068000 False negative

251 rows × 8 columns


An extremely powerful DataFrame method is groupby().

This is entirely analagous to GROUP BY in SQL.

It will group the rows of a DataFrame by the values in one (or more) columns, and let you iterate through each group.

Here we will look at the average gain among the categories of gains (negative, small, medium and large) we defined above and stored in column gain.

gain_groups = new_df.groupby('gain')

Essentially, gain_groups behaves like a dictionary:

  • the keys are the unique values found in the gain column, and

  • the values are DataFrames that contain only the rows having the corresponding unique values.

for gain, gain_data in gain_groups:
                 open   high        low      close  adj_close    volume  \
2015-05-07  38.220001  48.73  38.220001  47.009998  47.009998  33831600   

            profit        gain test_column  
2015-05-07    True  large_gain  large_gain  
                 open       high        low      close  adj_close   volume  \
2015-01-08  52.590000  54.139999  51.759998  53.830002  53.830002  2015300   
2015-01-16  50.180000  51.490002  50.029999  51.389999  51.389999  2183300   
2015-01-21  51.200001  53.500000  51.200001  53.410000  53.410000  3248100   
2015-02-03  53.830002  55.930000  53.410000  55.779999  55.779999  2885400   
2015-02-04  55.529999  57.070000  55.250000  56.740002  56.740002  2498600   

            profit         gain  test_column  
2015-01-08    True  medium_gain  medium_gain  
2015-01-16    True  medium_gain  medium_gain  
2015-01-21    True  medium_gain  medium_gain  
2015-02-03    True  medium_gain  medium_gain  
2015-02-04    True  medium_gain  medium_gain  
                 open       high        low      close  adj_close   volume  \
2015-01-02  55.459999  55.599998  54.240002  55.150002  55.150002  1664500   
2015-01-05  54.540001  54.950001  52.330002  52.529999  52.529999  2023000   
2015-01-06  52.549999  53.930000  50.750000  52.439999  52.439999  3762800   
2015-01-07  53.320000  53.750000  51.759998  52.209999  52.209999  1548200   
2015-01-12  56.000000  56.060001  53.430000  54.020000  54.020000  2407700   

            profit      gain test_column  
2015-01-02   False  negative    negative  
2015-01-05   False  negative    negative  
2015-01-06   False  negative    negative  
2015-01-07   False  negative    negative  
2015-01-12   False  negative    negative  
                 open       high        low      close  adj_close   volume  \
2015-01-09  55.959999  56.990002  54.720001  56.070000  56.070000  6224200   
2015-01-22  53.869999  55.279999  53.119999  54.799999  54.799999  2295400   
2015-01-23  54.660000  55.639999  54.299999  55.189999  55.189999  1636400   
2015-01-26  55.119999  55.790001  54.830002  55.410000  55.410000  1450300   
2015-01-29  52.849998  53.310001  51.410000  52.930000  52.930000  1844100   

            profit        gain test_column  
2015-01-09    True  small_gain  small_gain  
2015-01-22    True  small_gain  small_gain  
2015-01-23    True  small_gain  small_gain  
2015-01-26    True  small_gain  small_gain  
2015-01-29    True  small_gain  small_gain  
for gain, gain_data in new_df.groupby("gain"):
    print('The average closing value for the {} group is {}'.format(gain,
The average closing value for the large_gain group is 47.0099983215332
The average closing value for the medium_gain group is 39.72307696709266
The average closing value for the negative group is 37.38476184057811
The average closing value for the small_gain group is 36.53367346160266

Other Pandas Classes#

A DataFrame is essentially an annotated 2-D array.

Pandas also has annotated versions of 1-D and 3-D arrays.

A 1-D array in Pandas is called a Series.

A 3-D array in Pandas is created using a MultiIndex.

To use these, read the documentation!

Comparing multiple stocks#

As a last task, we will use the experience we obtained so far – and learn some new things – in order to compare the performance of different stocks we obtained from Yahoo finance.

stocks = ['ORCL', 'TSLA', 'IBM','YELP', 'MSFT']
stock_df = pd.DataFrame()
for s in stocks:
    stock_df[s] = pd.DataFrame(,start='2014-01-01',end='2014-12-31', progress = False))['Close']
2014-01-02 37.840000 10.006667 177.370941 67.919998 37.160000
2014-01-03 37.619999 9.970667 178.432129 67.660004 36.910000
2014-01-06 37.470001 9.800000 177.820267 71.720001 36.130001
2014-01-07 37.849998 9.957333 181.367111 72.660004 36.410000
2014-01-08 37.720001 10.085333 179.703629 78.419998 35.759998

Next, we will calculate returns over a period of length \(T,\) defined as:

\[ r(t) = \frac{f(t)-f(t-T)}{f(t)} \]

The returns can be computed with a simple DataFrame method pct_change(). Note that for the first \(T\) timesteps, this value is not defined (of course):

rets = stock_df.pct_change(30)
2014-02-07 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2014-02-10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2014-02-11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2014-02-12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2014-02-13 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2014-02-14 0.003700 0.320653 -0.009918 0.321849 0.012379
2014-02-18 0.009304 0.361995 -0.018485 0.355897 0.013817
2014-02-19 0.010675 0.317279 -0.016398 0.254880 0.038195
2014-02-20 0.011096 0.405798 -0.028728 0.257501 0.036803
2014-02-21 0.010074 0.385510 -0.027558 0.170875 0.062081

Now we’ll plot the timeseries of the returns of the different stocks.

Notice that the NaN values are gracefully dropped by the plotting function.

plt.scatter(rets.TSLA, rets.YELP)
plt.xlabel('TESLA 30-day returns')
plt.ylabel('YELP 30-day returns');

There appears to be some (fairly strong) correlation between the movement of TSLA and YELP stocks. Let’s measure this.

The correlation coefficient between variables \(X\) and \(Y\) is defined as follows:

\[ \text{Corr}(X,Y) = \frac{E\left[(X-\mu_X)(Y-\mu_Y)\right]}{\sigma_X\sigma_Y} \]

Pandas provides a dataframe method to compute the correlation coefficient of all pairs of columns: corr().

ORCL 1.000000 0.007218 0.026666 -0.083688 0.131830
TSLA 0.007218 1.000000 0.196371 0.769623 0.411348
IBM 0.026666 0.196371 1.000000 0.104705 0.343697
YELP -0.083688 0.769623 0.104705 1.000000 0.264703
MSFT 0.131830 0.411348 0.343697 0.264703 1.000000

It takes a bit of time to examine that table and draw conclusions.

To speed that process up it helps to visualize the table.

We will learn more about visualization later, but for now this is a simple example.

sns.heatmap(rets.corr(), annot=True);

Finally, it is important to know that the plotting performed by Pandas is just a layer on top of matplotlib (i.e., the plt package).

So Panda’s plots can (and often should) be replaced or improved by using additional functions from matplotlib.

For example, suppose we want to know both the returns as well as the standard deviation of the returns of a stock (i.e., its risk).

Here is visualization of the result of such an analysis, and we construct the plot using only functions from matplotlib.

# plt.scatter(rets.mean(), rets.std());
plt.xlabel('Expected returns')
plt.ylabel('Standard Deviation (Risk)')
for label, x, y in zip(rets.columns, rets.mean(), rets.std()):
        xy = (x, y), xytext = (30, -30),
        textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',
        bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.5', fc = 'yellow', alpha = 0.5),
        arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0'))

To understand what these functions are doing, (especially the annotate function), you will need to consult the online documentation for matplotlib. Just use Google to find it.